Apex 2.0 Roadmap

A layout of the development up through launch of Apex 2.0 is outlined here. Apex 2.0 is an entirely custom core and server build around BJJ Core 3.0. Everything you see here is being built by hand for the release of Apex 2.0

Note: The steps listed in this roadmap do not include all changes that will be made to the Apex 2.0 codebase in each version change.

Alpha v9.95

Released, July 20, 2024

Large fix and update patch based off of feedback from closed internal testing phases.

Alpha v10.0

Planned, August, 2024

First alpha testing phase for Apex 2.0. This phase will be invite only (for staff & department leads) and will be focused on testing the core features and systems of the server.

Alpha v10.1

Tenative, September, 2024

Large fix and update patch based off of feedback from alpha testing phase.

Alpha v10.2

Planned, Late September, 2024

Last large content push before the launch of Apex 2.0.

Beta v1.0

Planned, TBD

Content updates and final testing for the first public launch of Apex 2.0.